Grow your money. Grow your impact.

Invest in the CD that's best for you.
Online or at your local Carver Branch.
              Invest                           Open Accounts                          Get Started

  • Easy sign up-open account in 3 minutes or less online
  • Low minimum balance to open of $2,500
  • FDIC insurance up to the maximum limit allowed
  • Fixed interest rate and annual percentage yield (APY) provide guaranteed returns

Approximately eighty cents of every dollar deposited is reinvested into the communities we serve.

  • Fixed interest rate and annual percentage yield (APY) provide guaranteed returns
  • A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal 
  • The annual percentage yield assumes interest is credited monthly and remains on deposit until maturity
  • No additional deposits may be made to the CD during the term
  • For other provisions applicable to your account, please see your account disclosures and agreement for other important terms and conditions that may apply