Spot and Report Scams 


Scammers use different tricks to trick people into their schemes. Sometimes they may seem friendly and helpful, while other times they might try to scare you into acting quickly. Learn how to recognize these tricks and what to do if you think something doesn’t seem right.

How to Protect Yourself from Fraud

To safeguard yourself against fraud, there are several important steps we recommend. First, it's crucial to regularly monitor your bank accounts and statements. By checking your accounts frequently and using online and mobile banking, you can quickly spot any unusual activity. Setting up notifications is another simple way to protect yourself—set alerts  for changes to your account, purchases, or unusual login attempts.

We also recommend using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. These additional security measures provide an extra layer of protection for your accounts and personal information.

Remaining alert to potential fraud is key to keeping your finances and personal details secure. By staying informed about the latest scams and taking proactive security steps, you can greatly reduce your risk. If you notice any suspicious activity on your account please contact us immediately at (855) 217-3373.  


Types of Common Scams

Scammers pose as tech support representatives, claiming your computer has a virus and asking for remote access to steal information.
Ensure you're dealing with a real company and not scammers pretending to be one. 
Fake online stores trick people into buying products that don’t exist, leaving customers without their items and their money.
 To avoid scams and potential fraud, use your smartphone’s default camera app when scanning QR codes. Scammers often use third-party QR code scanner apps or ads within these apps to direct you to fake or harmful websites that steal your personal information.
Scammers are creating websites that appear legitimate, and a simple Google search may show a phone number that looks real. When you call, they may try to steal your sign-in details or other personal information.
Scammers pretend to be tax authorities, threatening legal action or arrest unless you pay them immediately.
Fraudsters impersonate legitimate organizations via email, text, or phone to steal personal information, such as passwords and account numbers.
Scammers build fake relationships online and ask for money under false pretenses, often claiming emergencies or financial struggles.
Scammers offer fake loans and ask for advance fees before supposedly processing the loan, but the money never comes through.

If you suspect fraudulent activity on your account, don’t hesitate to report it to us immediately. The sooner we’re notified, the sooner we can work to resolve the situation.

We're committed to helping you protect yourself from fraud, offering proactive support and the resources you need to stay informed and secure. Your security is our priority, and together, we can keep your accounts safe from fraud.